Eggless Cinnamon Rolls


If you don’t like Cinnamon Rolls, we can’t be friends. I mean seriously, can you even resist the smell of freshly baked Cinnamon Rolls? I know I can’t, infact no one in our home can! It’s like the best kind of smell after may be the smell of freshly baked Brownies. No wait. I guess.. I love both of them equally!! I always love my Cinnamon rolls with a generous amount of cream cheese frosting. It is the best thing EVER!

It’s a labour of love, but it is so worth it and I know you won’t regret trying these.


Cinnamon Rolls Recipe


  • 300 gram all-purpose flour or maida
  • 5 gram Active dry yeast
  • 60 gram Castor Sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 180 millilitre milk (Lukewarm)
  • 60 gram unsalted butter (soft and spreadable)
  • a few tablespoons extra water if dough is too dry


  • 50 gram unsalted butter ((soft and spreadable))
  • 120 gram brown sugar
  • 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

Cream cheese glaze:

  • 100 gram cream cheese (soft and spreadable)
  • 40 gram granulated sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract (optional)


  1. In a large bowl, add about half of the lukewarm milk, sugar and yeast and just mix it with a spoon and keep aside for 5 minutes.
  2. Once you see bubbles on top of the mixture or if it’s foamy, it means your yeast is active.
  3. Sift the flour and salt into this bowl. Add the milk little by little and keep kneading.
  4. Once the dough starts to get smooth, add butter and continue to knead the dough. You will see that the dough might be a little greasy but that is okay, it will become smoother as you knead. If the dough seems too dry, add more milk/water, one tablespoon at a time.
  5. After kneading for about 8-10 minutes, the dough will be smooth, and it will spring back almost when you poke it gently with a finger. You can also use a standing mixer to knead the dough if you do not want to knead it by hand.
  6. How to know when to stop kneading? When you try to stretch the dough out and try to get it as thin as possible, it should not tear apart. The dough should be able to stretch enough almost like a thin film. It is also called a windowpane test.
  7. Apply a little oil to a clean bowl and transfer this smooth dough into this bowl, add a little oil to your hand and gently coat the top of the dough with this oil so that it does not dry out.
  8. Cover the bowl in plastic wrap and keep it in a warm, dust free surface of your house to rise for about 1-2 hours OR till it is doubled in size.
  9. While the dough is rising, mix all the ingredients for the filling in a bowl and set it aside.
  10. Dust a little flour on your work surface and gently roll out your risen dough to a rectangle about 12 inches in length and about 8 inches in breadth. Even if you don’t want to measure the size it is fine, just keep the thickness of the dough around 3-4 centimeters max.
  11. Once you finish rolling out to the required size, gently spread the filling on the dough leaving about 1cm gap on the edges.
  12. Rolling Method 1: Cut the dough into 2-inch strips lengthwise and roll each strip individually.
  13. Rolling Method 2: Gently starting at one end, start rolling your rectangle dough into a log (like you would roll a yoga mat or a towel). Take your time, do not rush. Once you finish rolling, pinch the outer end to seal it.
  14. Cut into desired sized rolls. And place them on a baking pan leaving a little space between them, then cover it with a clean towel and once again leave it in a warm – dry place for about 30-45 mins or until almost doubled in size.
  15. Preheat your oven to 175°C while the rolls are rising.
  16. When your cinnamon rolls are puffed up, brush the top of the rolls with a little milk or cream using a pastry brush.
  17. Bake the rolls for about 30 minutes or until they are beautifully golden brown.
  18. When the cinnamon rolls are out of the oven, let them rest for 15 minutes on a wire rack.
  19. While the rolls are cooling, whisk the cream cheese and sugar using a whisk, add salt and vanillla and whisk into a smooth glaze/frosting.
  20. Spread this over the rolls while it is still warm. ENJOY!!!